Document Type : Research Paper


University of Anbar - College of Agriculture


Little information is available on the relationship of Selenium deposit in target organs and Glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity in iron deficiency anemia ( IDA). As red blood cells (RBCs) play a crucial role on Se metabolism during Fe deficiency anemia a lower count of RBCs is featured, we aimed to investigate the influence of this pathology on Se bioavailability and the relationship with antioxidant status. 20 male guinea pig were randomly divided into two groups, a control group receiving 100 g diet with normal Fe content (45 mg/kg diet) and the Fe-deficient group receiving 100 g diet with low Fe content (5 mg/kg diet) for 60 days. Both diets were prepared with an adequate Se content (0.180 mg/kg diet). The digestive and metabolic utilization of Se, the distribution in target organ, the GPx activity and thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) production were measured after receiving the diets. Se retention increased (P ≤ 0.001) in the anemic group, fact that contributes to keep the enzymatic antioxidant activity of GPx in normal levels and the tendency observed is that stored Se increased in the organs, especially in kidney (P ≤ 0.01) . The lower count of RBCs featured in this pathology (P ≤ 0.001) causes an increase in kidney deposit is a consequence of the lower urinary losses (P ≤ 0.001

Main Subjects

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