Document Type : Research Paper


1 The Ministry of Science and Technology

2 University of Baghdad/College of Science

3 University of Anbar / College of Science


The aim of search considered to study of the variation of chlorite when it use in water planet in all region of AL-KARKH. chosen 7 stations, Al-Rahmania, Karada, Al-Mansour, Al-Baiaa, Al-jehad, Saidia and Al-Dora. The sampling collected is two period, April and August 2009. The results show that increased the chlorine concentration in AL Rahmania , Dora compared to others for two periodsas a result to near home supply region. the result showed that chorine concentration decreased in the month of August compared with month of April , because of high Temperature , and long in sun shine. Other experiment used to measure the Residual chlorine after 2 hours in Al-Rahinania and Dora station the result showed that the chlorine con. is decrees 25% than Field measurement the cause related to chlorine vapor.

Main Subjects

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