Document Type : Research Paper


1 Tikrit University - Education College.

2 Tikrit University - Veterinary Medicine College

3 Foundation of Technical Education - Kirkuk Technical College



Cryptosporidium is known as a parasite of humans especially children of both those who are immunodeficient and immunocompetent. The effect of prolonged diarrhea and dehydration can be dangerous, especially for young and immunodeficient persons. This study was designed to find out the watery and alcoholic effect of some medicinal plant extracts against the parasite. No significant differences between the watery and alcoholic extracts of the three medicinal plant used (Corindrum sativum, Curcuma longa, Viscum album) were noted. All the plants were dose related, Curcuma longa had the highest effect on Cryptosporidium oocysts shedding in laboratory infected Balb/c mice. With rate of 100% on the 7th day of treatment at 750 mg/kg and on the 5th day at 1000mg/kg in the watery extracts. And a rate of 100% on the 4th day at 1000mg/kg in alcoholic extracts, followed by Viscum album with rate of 48, 54% on the 7th day at 750, 1000mg/kg respectively for watery extract and 73, 76% on the 7th day at 750, 1000mg/kg respectively for alcoholic extract. The Coriondrum sativum had the lowest effect at all concentrations used in both watery and alcoholic extracts. No significant differences were seen with folic acid and potassium chloride adding to the watery and alcoholic plant extracts. Except with the antibiotic (azithromycin) in which its activity was increased to 100% on the 4th day of treatment whereas its effect was only 68% without them


Main Subjects

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