Document Type : Research Paper


Anbar University - College of Education for Pure Sciences



The present study has been carried out on 150 samples of blood. They were all males with ages
ranging from 20 to 65 years. The samples were collected from the Blood Bank in Ramadi and Al-
Ramadi General Hospital for the period extending from November, 2010 to May, 2011. They were
distributed into three groups (60 patients with haemochromatosis , 60 patients with diabetes and the
control group comprising 30 samples) to study has attempted to identify some hemoglobin derivatives
in these patients and compare them, in terms of kinds, concentrations and relation, with patients with
diabetes mellitus (type two) and the control group. Results of studying there were significant
differences in some of hemoglobin derivatives in patients with haemochromatosis and those with
diabetes, the factors influencing the spared of haemochromatosis had indicated that there is a strong
relationship between this disease and many factors, the most important of which are ; * Smoking : It
had the greatest effect in increasing hemoglobin derivatives (methaemoglobin and
Carboxyhemoglobin) * Profession : It had a significant effect on the values of some of the hemoglobin
derivatives (oxyhemoglobin

Main Subjects

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