Document Type : Research Paper


AL-Anbar University- College of Medicine



Acute appendicitis is the most common acute surgical condition of the abdomen. The most
important step for appendicitis is the obstruction the eppeniceal lumen. Our study was aimed to study
the histological parameter associated with appendicitis. This study was included 55 of appendix
specimens, which were resects. These samples were collected from teaching Ramadi hospital. Gross
examination for diameter of lumen and thickness of mucosa was performed and then the samples were
fixed in 10℅ formalin for histological examination. The relation of age and sex with appendicitis was
studied in this work. This study was recorded increase in thickness of mucosa(Mean=1.4mm) and
decrease in diameter of lumen(Mean=1mm). increase incidence of appendicitis between males and
females(50.9/49%).The age of the patients ranged from (8-45)years with mean (21.4).Histological
study was revealed increase infiltration of white blood cell within muscularis mucosa. Congestion,
destruction of mucosa, hyperplasia of lymph nodules, obstruction of lumen with found some of warm
such as Enterobious vermicularis within lumen. From these results we found the ratio of incidence of
appendicitis increase in males than females and ensured that by increase the histological parameters
and pathological changes compare with normal


Main Subjects

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