Document Type : Research Paper


1 2Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Education for Girls, University of Kufa, Najaf, Iraq;

2 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Education for Girls, University of Kufa, Najaf, Iraq;


In this paper, the notions of bipolar valued fuzzy SA-subalgebras and bipolar valued fuzzy SA-ideals on SA-algebras with their properties are familiarized. Several theorems are stated and proved with their examples. After that we introduced  new notion which is negative anti-fuzzy SA-subalgebra(SA-ideal) of SA-algebra  . The image and inverse image of bipolar valued fuzzy SA-subalgebras and bipolar valued fuzzy SA-ideals are defined and how the homomorphic images and inverse images of bipolar valued become bipolar valued fuzzy on SA-algebras is studied as well.


Main Subjects

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  • Hameed, A.T, Raheem, N.J. and Abed, A.H. Anti-fuzzy SA-ideals with Degree (l,k) of SA-algebra. Journal of Physics: Conference Series (IOP Publishing), pp:1-16.
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