Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Mathematics, College of Education , Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq;

2 Department of Mathematics, College of Basic Education , Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq;


Many integral transformations have been proposed, tasted and proven to solve many applications in various scientific fields. The diversity of integral transformations comes from their unique ability to solve problems by transforming them from one domain where the solution is given by a complex mathematical procedure to another domain where simple algebraic methods can solve them. On this basis, many of these transformations and knowledge appeared on the field of real numbers and the field of complex numbers. The reason for the diversity of these transforms is the need for them in solving some mathematical equations and physical equations or that pertain to any branch of applied sciences, so they have proven their strength in solving differential and complementary equations and differential systems in addition to scientific applications. The Laplace Transform was one of the first transformations that contributed to the solution of mathematical equations, and then dozens of transformations appeared, which depended mainly on the Laplace Transform. This work demonstrates the temporal diversity of the integral transformations by presenting a group of integral transformations with their basic characteristics. We dealt with single and double integrals


Main Subjects

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