Document Type : Research Paper


1 Biochemistry Branch - College of Medicine - Anbar University

2 Department of Life Sciences - College of Science - University of Anbar


This study include investigation the effects of high temperature on the
chemical structure of RBCs membranes in thirty workers of the state coperation
of glass industries in Ramadi - Iraq , thirty technicians and administrators for
interior control and thirty volunteers as external control .
RBCs membranes isolation and characterization of lipids and protiens
and checking them by using TLC and gel electrophoresis respectively .
From the results of this study we observed proteins of RBCs membrane
decreased significantly (P<0.01) , cholesterol and phospholipids increased
significantly (P<0.01) , (lipidsproteins) ratio increased significantly (P<0.01) .
RBCs membranes proteins electrophoresis on (polyacrylamide gel)
showed the disappearance of number of proteins bands and decreased the
density of the other bands , while the separation on the (TLC) showed that there
were clear differences and there was change in the classes of RBCs membrane

Main Subjects

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