Document Type : Research Paper


College of Science/University of Anbar



ABSRTACT:The study was carried out to isolate the bacteria that causing urinary tract infection
and to determine the rate of this bacteria and to determine the activity.of aquatic and alcoholic
extracts of the plants (Nigella sativa, Trigonella foenum , Allium sativum , Vitis vinifera,
Hordium valgara and Raphanus seeds).The study also carried out to study the synergism effect of
alcoholic extract on these bacteria .The infection percent caused by E.coli was 48% percent
,Klebsiella pneumoniae was 32% percent and Pseudomonas aeruginosa was 20% percent.The
results of the effects of plants extracts on the isolates show various effects depending on the extract
type,the extract concentration and the type of microorganism.The inhibition activity of the aquatic
extracts were lower than alcoholic extracts for all the plants extracts except Allium sativum and
Nigella sativa and the inhibition activity of alcoholic extracts was increasing with inceasing the
concentration except Hordium valgara .The results of the synergesim effects of alcoholic extracts
show better effect than single effect of these plant extract .


Main Subjects

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