Document Type : Research Paper


1 Anbar University - College of Science

2 Anbar University - College of Agriculture



Extraction and purification were Nicotine alkaloid from leaves of tobacco plant
Nicotiana tobacum medical use of some of the ways in diagnostic spectral IR, UV , TLC, Melting point
and examined some of the chemical study of the impact of their effectiveness have been against some
bacteria, the specter of disease and measure the inhibition of the effectiveness of this compound in
addition to the abstract knowledge of the influence of the tobacco plant to the water, the results showed
the superiority of Nicotine alkaloid extracted water to plant tobacco, and all concentrated on all types
of bacteria . Gave the highest composite zone to discourage the amount of 25 mm to focus 50 mg / ml
of Pseudomonas bacteria, while the less zone to discourage the concentration 1 mg / ml and 2 mm of
the bacteria Staphylococcus and E. coli


Main Subjects

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