Document Type : Research Paper


1 University of Anbar - College of Education and Pure Sciences

2 University of Anbar - Center for Desert Studies



The current study Included (100) women suffering from recurrent infection of the urinary tract revisions for hospitals and civil laboratories in Anbar province, the category of age among women (10-50 years), in addition to (40) women do not have any history of infection in the same age group as a control sample for comparison. The study achieved in period between 03/09/2013 to 27/12/2014 .The highest recorded rate of infection in the age ranged between (21-35 years) (48%), also the high incidence observed were among married women (62%), and most infection were in women of villages and rural areas(67%). The current study involved measuring the level of concentration of Tamm horsfall protein (THP) the study showed a significant decrease at P≤0.05 in (43%) and the rate of individuals (6.2 ± 38.3) Ng / ml compared with control sample, which was (7.4 ± 256.2) Ng / ml. The study also included molecular tests (for women suffering from UTI and THP concentration disorders) using Polymerase Chain Reaction technique and using three specific primers for the detection of any trouble in Uromodulin gene and its relationship to UTI. The results showed a significant increase P≤0.05 for the study sample represents (24,19,18) absence time of primers bands in some cases to appear different bands from the expected size compared with the control sample that did not show any of the previous cases.


Main Subjects

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